Silvia Frezza

Who is Silvia Frezza? An unknown person, a woman of normal daily activity. Who leaves home every morning and dedicates himself to his profession.
Exact profession: teacher is not an easy reality, if carried out in a place that unites the well-deserved reputation of an historical center, today, with that of a place where nature has erased life, culture and work in a moment.
Even if there are no more schools in L'Aquila, not one has been rebuilt, the children have found, when life has resumed a semblance of normality, so many Silvia Frezza, who between a room and a dictation have taken up a adventure which is the formation of a schoolboy ,.
Today, 36 modules are still open for temporary temporary use, and Silvia continues her profession. He continues, but speaks loud and clear, combining his voice with that of someone who does not want to forget and make people forget who rightly wants a real school.
Silvia, like all masters, from those in the book Cuore to today, has a blue pencil to highlight the errors. But she, rather than underlining a mistake, uses it with her boys to dye the sky of her wounded city blue.
Best wishes for your "splendid" job and insist on speaking loudly, Silvia.