Nurit Peled-Elhanan

"Woman for Peace" Award
“So today everyone of us should ask themselves in what kind of world shall we live after the holocaust of Gaza? What kind of people shall grow from its ashes, what kind of people shall answer us from the other side of the wall? Is this what we want for this beautiful and old region? For the cradle of civilization? I leave the responsibility of the answer in your hands”.
This is how Nurit Peled-Elhanan, 2001 Sacharov Prize, ended the speech that she held at the European Parliament on September 11th, 2014, and today the tragic events renew the tragedy of the past. While Nurit raises her voice in order to ask for peace, in her heart there is a memory that will never fade.
“My daughter was killed, just because she was Israeli, from a young boy that was oppressed and embittered up to the point of killing and committing suicide, just because he was Palestinian. Both are victims of Israeli occupation of Palestine. Their blood blended on the stones of Jerusalem, which have always been unresponsive to blood”.
And Nurit Peled-Elhanan, daughter of the famous general Matti Peled, who is famous for his pacifist and progressive campaigns, became the symbol of those who fight against occupation in Israel and for the freedom of Palestine.
Nurit, may the peace fill your land…