Special Award A LIFE FOR WOMEN
A nice and captivating glance, a charming smile, a petite build, but a strong-minded woman with the DNA of an entrepreneur.
She began her career in 1953 when she was only 18 and firstly bought some clothes with a ₤ 40.000 loan. From the small workroom in her own house, where she worked by herself, to the relocation with the help of her workers, coming to the factory in Badia Al Pino where 700 people including staff and collaborators were employed, Mimmina’s career was full of success among the whole world of fashion.
Her natural bent, her creativity, her elegance and resolution opened the door to the most prestigious Stores: from Paris to London, from Madrid to Tokyo, from Frankfurt to New York.
The lady of fashion made clothes for the most popular and elegant women of the globe.
To her belongs the merit of allowing many women, who wanted to cast off the dress of housewives, to find a job which made them economically independent and aware of their skills and of the importance of being women.
Her factory was the first in Arezzo to introduce the Saturday off in order to allow “her women” to spend time with their children and husbands and have some free time to take care to themselves.
It is no accident that at Mimmina Confezioni, in the days when industrial unrest was growing, no one never went on strike.
Nowadays, after so many years from 1996, when the factory was sold to the Japanese, “her women” still have fond memories of Mimmina and recall her with admiration.