After 30 years of violence, harassment by her husband and deprivation, Filomena found the courage to say STOP!
The desire to think about herself, her appearance, to feel beautiful ...These were the freedoms she needed and that she had been denied.
On 28th May 2012, after her son had got married, Filomena told her husband she wanted to separate.
She wanted her freedom as a woman and he planned his revenge.
At four o'clock in the morning, while she was still sleeping, he poured a bottle of acid on her, saying, "Now you’ll see what I'll give you!"
She was helped by her son .... the rush to the hospital …the fight against death for weeks. Then the suffering for so many operations in such a devastated body.
Despite her body still bears the scars of that terrible night, Filomena is happy to be alive and, above all, to be FREE!
She wrote a book called “Un’altra vita” (“Another life"). It is not a novel, but it is the courage to give evidence to such atrocities, instead.