There's a village that asks for help, it's full of women and children, escaped from a world of monsters, who found serenity, peace and a shelter in here. Especially children, who are about half of the 42000 unwilling protagonists of this reversed world of love. Welcoming and safeguarding mothers and their children are social protective actions, used by the community to rebuild a sense of affection, pushing fear away and so keeping the familiar relationship intact and intimate. Domestic violence is a phenomenon endangering the delicate mother-son relationship , which is threatened by the violence created by a nomore possible coexistance. Fernanda Bolzon, has experienced all of this at firsthand, both causes and effects, but she has also found a safe place where welcoming mothers and children, living the same difficult and dramatic situations. For this reason, she shows us how to be present in anyway, to an initiative, which has just one unique purpose: the psico-physical integrity of the fundamental element of our civilization and our future.
Text by Giovanni Melani