Origin. A concept that can be considered a constant in Sandra Savaglio's life. And not only because her work as an astronomer and astrophysicist focused on the study of the origins of the universe. How much because the path of scientific research has taken it far from its homeland for over twenty years.
Between her and Calabria a distance equal to that which separated her from the galaxies on which she focused her studies. A distance so wide that it contained the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, the Space Telescope Science Institute, the Max Planck Institute of Extraterrestrial Physics, the "Gemini Deep Deep Survey" project, and an iconic Time cover that portrayed her as symbol of European scientists in the States.
Sandra brought her wealth of research, experiences and achievements here, as a professor of astrophysics at the University of Calabria and in her admirable activity of promoting science in Italy and affirming women in the scientific field.
Passion and sacrifice were for Sandra two sides of the same coin, common denominators of that path that today has led her to be elected, in her Calabria, regional councilor with responsibility for the University and Scientific Research. A position to be filled with the same perseverance with which he faced the study of the universe on a large scale.
Text by Elettra Fiorini