Death is a watershed. Even for who remains here. It traces a line between a “before” and an “after”. Between the light-hearted feeling of being twenty and the unbridgeable void of absence. Between the fear of remaining and running away. But it is exactly between the cracks of such demarcation line that one can seed. And the brave and rebel seeds Chiara decided to cultivate are those of memory and legality. Even when that safe harbour of a family love seems destroyed forever and the demon we are facing has the cruel name of “Mafia”, Cosa Nostra. Never forget, press charges, testify, talk about it: for Chiara these are not just actions anymore. These are the weapons of a battle that needs to be fought without reserves. For such a beautiful and ripped apart Sicily, for its people, exhausted and full of hope, for its young people that want a future. And for all those innocent victims that continue living through the memories and words of those who survived.