“SOS Children's Villages” Special Award
The SOS Village of Trento was founded in 1963 with the aim of welcoming children and adolescents in conditions of family and social hardship and of offering an adequate path of psycho-physical growth aimed at returning to one's family or towards dignified integration into society.
To date, 350 children have been welcomed in the village, some for long periods, others for a short time. It is important to recognize the potential of children who must be guided and accompanied on their journey towards independence and towards becoming active members of society. A great job to ensure that children can establish a relationship based on love, respect and safety with those who care for them.
Fabjan Thika was a child of just 4 years old when he arrived with his brother at the SOS Village in Trento and thanks to the care of qualified people he was able to find the stability he was missing in the family environment. He studied, sought his autonomy and together with his wife Manuela today carries out projects for boys and girls in collaboration with the village of Trento, with social services and juvenile prison